Monday, July 12, 2010


I named my blog Drawn Upon for a couple of reasons. The main one is my love and hobby of drawing. I haven’t posted any blog articles on the subject, so I though I should.

I have been drawing since I was 5. Some day’s, I’m my own worst critic, others, I’m my biggest fan. But one thing that remains is I still do it for one reason or another. Either for myself or to try to pay the bills; which doesn’t seem to be happening. Here recently I have taken to drawing on linen papers. Linen you say? Yes. Yes I did. I like the texture it gives me when I put my pencil (I like my mechanical pencils in a .5 or .9 or here of late my graphite pencils) or pen to the paper and see how they take to the lines or pattern(s) in the paper. It’s better than doing digital art. Why? Because I can draw; where most of these “newer, younger designer/artists” can only create art with Photoshop. I can create a new original, one of a kind work that can be sold for a fair amount of money and have some one own a piece of my work. I like the colors and textures you can get with a good piece of linen stock that you just can’t create digitally. I also like the challenge of knowing I can’t erase the lines too easily and it makes me think about where I put my stroke. I also like using my finger to smudge in some shadows, or other elements and get down and dirty with my drawing. The linen papers hold up well for this, and if I am using a colored stock, it adds to the fun. Sadly scanning the image in doesn’t do it justice.

I’ll go into more about what types of media I use and why in another posting.